It was a race to the finish - the Fenway Park finish that is. We left New Jersey and arrived in Massachusetts 6 hours later. We quickly switched over to the assault mini-van and headed for the Boston "T". The subway was a great adventure. The Green Line took us right to the Fenway stop. Halfway to Fenway the subway was full. We detrained and headed for the park. We cut through pathways and around warehouses and then all of a sudden - walla - Fenway Park. Great ambiance outside. A lot of hustling and bustling restaurants and souvenir stores. This page got a little long so here are some links to
each section: Connecticut gas: $1.30 /gal Boston Red Sox were playing the Baltimore Orioles at night. Our seats were the most incredible and the temperature was perfect baseball weather. The problem was the game went just over 2 hours - we wanted to stay all night! See below for views, old Giants and more. The next day we headed out for Cape Cod. We stopped in Sandwich which is the oldest town on the now island. (In the early 1900's the Army Corp. of Engineers dug a Cape Canal which created an island and a quick cut through for boats at the bottom left of a U shaped Cape.) We also drove into Hyannis for dinner and then headed home. Today we headed for Plymouth. The Roemer party saw Plymouth Rock and the Mayflower replica. This town was very charming and had lots of good restaurants. They had coffee shops, Mexican food, Italian food and lots of English Pub type restaurants. It was easy to get to and easy to stroll to several historic sites. They do have a great Plimouth Plantation which is a recreation of life in Pilgrim time. We ran out of time to see that. For new notes on Boston, click the link above or scroll down for details!
In the bottom of the ninth, the Red Sox were behind 5-2. The hometown
crowd was quiet.
When we entered the park we were warned that the GREENHEADS were present. Being ignorant westerners we asked "What are green heads?" The park ranger replied that they were flies that really hurt you when they bite. She said we could come back in a few weeks and they would be gone, but no refunds today. We took the challenge. Phil and Patrick got bit but not too bad.
We were called out of the water because of a threat of an electrical storm. We did hear some distant thunder.
It is conveniently located right off the Freedom Trail through the historic sites in Boston and around the corner from Macy's and Filene's. We drove into Boston, parked and walked.
Park Street Church is also very old. They read the Declaration of Independence from its steps. Behind the church is buried Paul Revere, John Hancock, Samuel Adams and others. Then we heard thunder and the sky turned very dark. Park Street Church is on the corner of the Boston Common. We made a run for the nearest Old Town Trolley. We just climbed aboard when it started to downpour. It was a torrential downpour. Our tour guide was named Brendan and he could be Jay Leno II. As we crossed the bridge toward Cambridge, Brendan said, "It's a good thing I have been doing this tour for four years and can do it with my eyes closed because I can't see a thing." He had the whole trolley in stitches even though we couldn't see a thing. The rain eventually stopped but 2-3 feet came down and several low lying streets remained flooded in sections.
Other interesting facts: 75% of Boston is landfill. The newer section of Boston (around 300 years old) is called Backbay. We saw the home of Cheers. It looks just like the TV version. Houses on the Boston Common share walls with neighbors on each side but are several stories high and cost 8-9 million. We thought our neighborhood was bad!
They do a great job of duplicating the committee meeting with the crowd to re-create the meeting which drove the colonist to dump the tea into the Boston Harbor. Then we proceeded onto the boat and ...
They do have a recreation program here though with activities going on all day for different age groups and they had a dance Saturday night. Quite the happening place and great handouts for sightseeing!
Boston also had the Old North Section with a lot of fun historic sites and the Quincy Market which is an open air lively market. Then there is Bunker Hill with a monument that looks like a miniature Washington monument according to our kids. The city was a lot bigger (by tall buildings) and diverse ( by theatres) plus all the colleges than I would have thought. On to Cooperstown and our trek back. This is on the separate web page from here. To follow our trip, go back up a level to the Home Page and then down to Trek Back Home. Or: Link to Trek Back Home |