We're off to capture the falls! We drove through Central New York passed lots of small farm towns. The towns had great old houses and small main streets with stores. In the town of Niagara Falls a handicapped van with its ramp down. The ramp extended halfway into the next lane. Phil saw it pull into traffic and only had time to pull off the road before it hit a car and spun it off the road. The van had people in it but luckily no one got hurt. Score one for the humans, if it had hit us it would have been a lot worse. Shaky entry into the falls. See below for the breathtaking falls. New York gas price $1.23 /gal
This one is at 11PM - you guessed it - we're on another pharmacy run. We left Phil at emergency and Mom and kids saw the falls at night. It was beautiful site because they light it up with one color and then about 10 minutes later they change the color. Lights on Canada side - picture in two countries. Unfortunately the camera doesn't work at night so you'll just have to trust us! Verdict: Phil probably has strep or some infection. |